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Desperate Donald?

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douglas9401 | 16:46 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
29 Answers

Maybe he's confusing it with his inauguration crowd.



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TTT shot down in flames

my gaad !

I think President Trump just says the first thing that comes into his head a lot of the time.

The problem is, the first, and second and third things, are rarely connected to reality.

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Atheist 19:21,does that include you?

Douglas 21:25





cockney slang in Japanese?

I saw a Harry Potter book that had been translated into Latin recently.  Weird!

Goes against the grain to support TTT, but perhaps someone can convince me 'flat spots in the algorithm' is not deliberate nonsense, unless of course it is mock Cockney.

fripfrip 21:35.

I'm sure it does to some extent.

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Desperate Donald?

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