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Winter Fuel Allowance

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douglas9401 | 11:18 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | News
26 Answers

Might we see a change of heart as 'the market' rather than our leaders continue to run the country?



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//It was right to withdraw it by The Chancellor.//

No it wasnt, for the reasons given above.

Just becasue you and your husband dont need it doesnt mean everyone else is in the same boat.  That really is looking down on people, what sort of person are you?

Up here in Scotland the SNP should start thinking about making friends with the Scots pensioners,but no they prefer to spend money on fake embassies and financing terrorist groups abroad.If they start paying this WHA,even i might think about voting for them.

I thought the Scots pensioners were getting some form of WFA?

Apologies, I've just read that they've followed Westminster's lead

Barry1010, the Scottish Government announced last week that they would 'have to' have a similar process for entitlement to the WFA.  It caused a lot of indignation, outrage.

I can imagine

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Winter Fuel Allowance

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