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Air Fryer - Do You Put Yours Away?

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Barmaid | 12:21 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
24 Answers

I am thinking of getting an air fryer - I use the air fryer in my IP but would probably use it more if it were slightly bigger and a dedicated air fryer.  The problem is work surface space.  Having got rid of the kitchen island we do have limited surface space and I would want to be able to put it away.  How heavy and cumbersome are they to move?  I have a shelved pantry and it could live in there, but if it is very heavy I do not want to be shifting it around too much.  



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I have a ninja duel drawer and it's too heavy for me to move but I use it most days. Mine is on the worktop under a wall cabinet and nothing above it has melted or burned

but the steam/moisture will go up into the cupboards.  We always turn on the extractor fans and dehumidifier.

I have a cheap one (good for chips, roast spuds, bacon etc.) and it sits on the worktop half-under a cupboard.  I've no room to put it anywhere else, but it doesn't seem to be a problem.

It's not just the potential damage to the wall cupboards that's the problem, air fryers can catch fire if there is not enough ventilation.


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