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nailedit | 18:22 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

How mant ABers have had experience with Psychiatrists and what was your experience like?


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Yes, several.  And mixed reviews.  Some are utterly useless and madder than a box of frogs themselves.  Some are very highly trained and could tell you a lot about psychosis and addiction but have never experienced either.  A few, and these are the ones which I have found hugely valuable, have actual life experience and had their own challenges with mental illness, and can speak from a point of view which resonates and are living examples of recovery.  If you find anyone in the latter category hold onto them with both hands.

Psychiatrists, psychologists,  at one stage in my life I was a bit of a mess.   It was one of the psychiatrists who realised I wasn't crazy,  but chronically sleep deprived....and later a psychologist who asked what turned out to be the second most important question of my life... Do you think it's possible you are autistic?  Still waiting for formal diagnosis of the actual  type( it's a very long wait for assessment) but it was one of those things.... Changed nothing but explained pretty much everything.

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