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Double Standards

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maggiebee | 11:17 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

You'll never hear of this as headlines on BBC,SKY or STV News!!

But a couple of late Ferries costing,£300 million has been headlines for 3 years.

The UK's flagship Hinkley nuclear power plant was announced in 2007 with an estimated completion date of 10 years, at a cost of £9 billion. However, it remains unfinished, with the latest estimated completion date being 2031, the cost has now risen to a staggering £92.5 billion!

Meanwhile in Scotland the delay of a ferry being built in Turkey is headline news.



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"Meanwhile in Scotland the delay of a ferry being built in Turkey is headline news." - Well that must be what is important to the Scots.

It is for those who live on the islands it might, eventually, serve.

I don't know where you got the 92 billion figure from. My check locally says about 30 billion. I am local, I can see it across the bay from my house and the workers are living in a former holiday camp 1 mile away from me. The workers look knackered. 

Anyway up, things are put in headlines to attract

Indeed, corduroy pillow slips for one.

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