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Beware - Getting To And From Europe Is About To Get A Whole Lot Harder

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webbo3 | 14:10 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
45 Answers

More biased reporting from Sly news, no mention of all non EU travellers, no mention of Visas to travel the rest of the world

\\In a couple of months' time, the European Union will start imposing its new "Entry-Exit System" (EES) on UK citizens.//

And other non EU citizens

Funny how there are loads of non-eu citizens trapsing all over europe with no doucumentation.



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Your final sentence would be laughable - if it wasn't true, webbo.  Madness!
15:43 Sun 25th Aug 2024

"hoping that all the delayed travellers voted for Brexit"?

How ridiculous a wish is that? You are a joke gully - a poor joke.

TSM @11.07 "Have you ever tried growing up"... Not really..               I am frightened in case I turn out like you.

Yes, just imagine the reaction if some non Labour supporters said something like 'woohoo, let's hope although freezing pensioners voted Labour, they just have to suck it up'

^all those not although.

 ...............The Herd is Gathering...................

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