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Money Leaving The Country

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gramps85 | 10:33 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | News
51 Answers

Millionaires are flocking to leave the UK and take their businesses with them. Fuel tax is forecast to rise, Inheritance Tax changes are forecast and Starmer is cosying up to the EU.

Welcome to 5 years in Hell!!!



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Canary, business creates wealth.  Without it there is none - and with its departure go jobs - and the wealth of everyone else.  Labour doesn't understand that - and never will.  It's now in the process of returning unrestricted powers to the Unions.  Hang on to your hat - and your bank balance - if you can.
11:14 Thu 29th Aug 2024

You could be right Naomi - which is even more worrying.


Robber Reeves had already amply demonstrated she's not up to the job, particularly her lies about not knowing about blackhole, so the Octobr budget is going to be a car crash.


Incidentally, I don't get the fiscal wisdom of on the one hand saying the books are dreadful, and then in the same week paying off their union paymasters. 

It's only 8 weeks and it is already abundantly clear they are going to be a disaster for this country.

SKS by any objective measure is rich - it's been reported he's worth £7m.


Call me cynical, but I bet he won't be affected in October's budget.

Millionaires flocking to leave the Country .Because they will have to pay tax under a labour Govt .But not under a Tory govt.  lol 😎 Good Riddance.

Rich people (including some pop stars) have often threatened to leave the country if Labour won an election.

1  I don't think that many have done so.

2  If people did that, I would regard them as selfish unpatriotic people.


DD  20.29 Keir Starmer worth 7M...Sunak Worth £651m What happend to the levelling up that  Boris 😎

Canary, business creates wealth.

canary this is a shot-up econonomic theory called drip down. Thatcher and Reagan tried it ( er Reagonomics) and it failed

so hey this is AB - so lets try it again and see if it works this time !

8.42pm - relevance?


Sunak is yesterdays man- we now have a different multi-millionaire in charge.

"Rather than having to trawl through my posts for the Brexit benefits, here they are:-"

As usual, you missed the main one out - the UK is no longer a member of the European Union. 

All the other stuff you mention - pros and cons - is just noise.

I'm far from being a 'multi-millionaire', but I'm coming over next week to arrange the movement of money out, because I don't have confidence in the financial future of the UK under Starmer's Labour leadership. 😕

//Rich people (including some pop stars) have often threatened to leave the country if Labour won an election.

1 I don't think that many have done so.//

I think it was zero at the last count.

It's regarded as a promise more than threat in most cases.

I don't think gulliver has ever left the country, he's like Walter mitty sitting in his mums attic with pictures of Boris on the walls, dreaming of one day talking to girls and even going down the pub.

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