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Guy Martin

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fourteen85 | 07:25 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

Ive just watched his Top Gun programme. I really like his style of progammes. A couple of years ago he did a series on the national grid which was very intesting, anyone else a fan?



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I watch most of his programmes. Started off with programmes of him on a canal boat, I think. Years ago.

Enjoyed his ones in Japan.

It helps being motorbike mad! Missed this last one though.

We very much like Guy.  We first came across him when he did a series about narrowboats with his mate in 2011.  As far as I know we've watched every series since, the national grid series was very interesting.

I don't know how he's still alive, he's a bit reckless.  

Yeah I think he's great at these shows.

Link please!

Btw never heard of him, and that's coming from an ex biker! Will check him out.

Martin Jennings memorial annual run goes by near me in a couple of weeks. Thousands of bikes - I will be out watching.

I used to really like him but found his manic ott presenting style irritating and stopped watching.

Yes - he's a bit too "full on" for me too, pity.

I love his programs. A real down to earth petrolhead and grease monkey. a bit Bi-polar too but he has no airs and graces!

He has Aspergers, doesn't like fame and has turned down a few hih profile jobs. I think he's a genuine bloke with a real interest in the subjects of his shows

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