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"Our Friends At Hamas"

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Khandro | 11:22 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | News
26 Answers

... so said one former leader of the Labour Party;




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The Israeli public are outraged at Netanyahu's failure to get hostages back safely, and are potesting about it.   
About 250 hostages were taken and not many have got out alive. Many have been killed in the intense bombing of Gaza. Some have been killed by the IDF in the tunnels. A few have escaped themselves, and about 100 are still alive, but the Government won't enter into negotiations to free them.

I pity the poor people of Israel.

The first casualty of war is truth. I don't believe a single word said by the IDF or Hamas. An unbiased observer would be good, but the IDF do not allow them into Gaza. Why is that?

Hamas would say that, wouldn't they ?


Are there any independent witnesses in the area who are qualified to identify how the captives died and by what weaponry ?

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The reason hostages never, or seldom, get out alive, is that they would be able to identify their torturing and raping captors and give information regarding the structure of this these terrorists criminals. 

I understand the anxiety felt by people related to those who were taken as hostages, but I fear realistically, there is little hope of seeing any of them alive again. But it is important for the Hamas cowardly scum leadership to convince the West that they have still some chips to bargain with.



corbyn did not as far as i am aware arrange for huge sums of money to be poured into hamas to ensure that gaza was politically separated from the palestinian authority. netanyahu did that. far far worse than making a well meaning gaffe 15 years ago in my view. 

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"Our Friends At Hamas"

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