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What Happened To Clarity In News...part Deux.

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ToraToraTora | 11:54 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Editor's Blog
33 Answers

"To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames."



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i hate to say it but toratoratora is in the right. the editor's request does not make exceptions for common abbrevations or nicknames.furthermore there is no indication whatsoever in the editor's post that the request be enforced as a rule... and yet threads have been closed for it. have moderators been asked to enforce it as though it is a site rule?
12:14 Thu 05th Sep 2024

untitled, //have moderators been asked to enforce the post about abbreviations or nicknames as though it is a site rule naomi?//


Everyone has been asked to 'please ensure' that OPs are clear enough for everyone to understand them - not an unreasonable request.  The mods are doing their bit to 'ensure'.


i read that as a request rather than license to remove or close posts...

I can't help you with that, untitled.  You'll need to complain to the editors.  As such I've had no complaints from them and I doubt anyone else has either.  Perhaps it needs to be added to the rules - just for the sake of clarity.

"You'll need to complain to the editors.  "

i never had you down as a joker naomi! 🤣

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DDIL: "Is there not a difference between abbrevations and acronym's?" - all acronyms are abbreviations, not vice versa so "abbreviation" includes acronyms.

untitled,  the editors will read your complaint and if they see fit, act on it.  As I said, I can't help you 

are these editors in the room with us now naomi?

No idea.

neither the editor nor the spare ed deign to post very often. the editor has not posted anything since April. don't you find that odd?

They, like you and me, post as they see fit.

on that we are agreed!

o god dont any of you have anything better to do?

^For the past week, it looks like the answer has been "yes".

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