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And Even More Brexit Misery.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
34 Answers

Britons heading for France and other EU Countries can expect to be fingerprinted and face long Border Queues ,thanks to Brexit.They will also have their photograph taken as they leave UK or on arrival in the EU.These new requirements are expected to see huge queues and delays. I hope those that spend hours in these  queues are not Brexiteers.



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Well, that's ^ good news, then

The only "misery" around here is gully!🀣

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12.11   Davebro will you please stay on topic. There's a good Boy.😎

there is no topic, just gulliver being tediously annoying.

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Sk 20.21 This post is about . The failed Brexit .Not about me .Please  try to stay on topic although I know it is difficult for you.

Brexit didn't fail.

We left the EU, which was the aim of Brexit.

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 Tell me all the good things you have gained from Brexit then JTH apart from a crown stamp on pint glasses.

I think you have mentioned this before.

o god mention that to the recycle one liner merchants on AB ! "foo what dat den" - what der fooly-wooly!!" and so on and on, filling the threads with jollity

you failed to spot the typo - multi billion

BUT as a remainer - I cant say the EU has filled itself with glory


The failed Brexit .Not about me  - I am one of your greatest fans Gullz.

apart from a crown stamp on pint glasses. and those lovely blue passports. oh and " sovrinty"

yeah that

Stop your Godforsaken moaning. Please.

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 13.26 David small.  There is only one answer to that one. ..........😎Take my advice.😎. Please.

Brexit never failed. However the ridiculous post-Brexit agreement the EU would finally agree to is clearly rubbish.

The UK government since then has not shown the guts to get it fixed. Whereas the new one will never intend to as they have already declared their aim to make it worse.

Gullivers travels were fantasy as is Gulliver 1 and not an original post ever,as for Europe it wont effect me as I go further afield much cheaper,as I used to work in Germany etc. they can keep it.πŸ˜‚

guliver @ 11:13 " Since quitting the EU. Migration to the UK hit a new record." Obviously these migrants do not want to be under the rule of the EU.

Regarding the delays on travelling to the EU, I think I'll get into my rubber dinghy and make my way to a welcoming France and onward to other European countries.

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