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Nucular Weapons....aaarrrggghhhh

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ToraToraTora | 10:16 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
57 Answers

Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.



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I think you've really shot yourself in the foot with this one, TTT.  Thanks for the laugh.  ;o)

Togo, do you want them to say Octoberr, Novemberr like we do down here in Zummerzet? 😀


Bring back RP. 

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12:19 this is about mis-pronouncing common words naomi, not using different words in place of common words. Not me with the hole in the plate love.


being annoyed about something is not a substitute for having a personality

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thank you Sigmund!

This is his fifth thread about the pronunciation of "nuclear".

huh that is nothing - a tear drop

remember the number of threads on Brexit ? up to five A DAY !

Was the "Measles" woman due to an accent or just a mispronunciation? Maybe there's a Chekov style "Wessels" thing going on?

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where are the others?

I can't remember the film or the context, but I recall Irene Handl once berating her daughter (played by Liz Fraser, I think) for her association with her latest beau:

"I know you have sectional intercourse in the back of that Ford Angular of his."   🤣

I met Irene Handl once. She had a flat just off Kensington Church Street. Lovely lady.

However, I digress.

The most irritating example of poor pronounciation I find at the moment (and there are always plenty) is the use of the wrong version of the definite article "the" before a word beginning with a vowel: e.g. "ther" opening ceremony instead of "thee" opening ceremony. 

All these things are a bit like flying the Union Flag upside down. Does no particular harm and some people say it doesn't matter. But it does. It grates because it's unnecessary and just shouldn't happen.

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was that in "east angular" judge?

English is happily not like French... we don't have an authority making rulings on how the language should be used. english is however it is spoken and used by anglophones. i would suggest english is a much more interesting and beautiful language than French as a result! 

@13.50. I think that may have been "Confesssions of a Driving Instructer" Judge. Could be wrong. Liz Fraser   ...   what a cracker.  

It's an Americanism, and whatever happens over there arrives here eventually.

Already here: people saying 'can I get a .. ' when ordering anything.

Coming soon: aloominum instead of aluminium.

and so what? i object to american domination and control of this country as well as the USA's extraction of much of our national wealth 

language really doesn't bother me... they have been writing better books than us for 30 years

TORATORATORA, "where are the others?"

They are here,

“The Chernobyl Disaster....narrated By Ben Fogle

If you are going to have a narrator for a documentary on a Nuclear disaster at least get someone who can say the word "Nuclear" - "Nucular"! - aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!”

“Nucular! Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!

Can someone tell all the news readers, the word is Nuclear! Nu Clee ah!”

“Annoying Mis Pronunciations....

I'll start....pronunciations

“Just Been Watching An American On The News......

what is the appropriate punishment for mis-pronouncing the word nuclear as nucular? aaaarrrrggghhh!”

Since you're picking up folk on this particular pronunciation and stating it's, "Nu Clee ah!”, is "Nu" pronounced as "noo" or is it "nyoo"?

What happened to the "r" at the end?


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13:27 yes but it's not come up for 29 months, hardly a hymie is it?

What is newsworthy about it then?

What about the, "r"?

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Nucular Weapons....aaarrrggghhhh

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