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Cold Apples

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Bazile | 22:53 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

Bumper load of apples  from our tree this year , as usual .

We put some in the fridge , and they are gorgeous , cold .

Is that unusual ?



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No.  I always put apples in the fridge before I eat them 🍏

Me too.  Boil some up and put in the freezer.  Great for pies, strudel, etc. 

All my fruit goes in to the fridge, tastes lovely chilled, especially in the heat

I keep all fruit in the fridge but take out what I want each morning. I dislike any food straight from the fridge, and only like cold drinks on a very hot day to help cool me down.

Likewise very hot food or drinks, I like pretty much everything round about room temperature, even a cooked dinner, the exception being gravy, that must be piping hot.

Arent we all interesting? 😉😁

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Cold Apples

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