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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Thank you

I think any permanent job you apply for would still depend on you passing the 6 month probation period. 

Have you been at Selco 6 months yet? Have they let you know you have passed the 6 month probation? 

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Since February and no

So the 6 months is up? Has a review meeting or decision date been set?

You can still leave and get anotherjob while on probation.

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No nothing.

I was going to them I'll work my 2 weeks notice.

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