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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Yes of course it's ok 

Abbey, if you know it's standard and you're OK with it, why is it any sort of an issue?  All this talk of Selco letting you go early, Selco maybe paying you to go etc - is that what you want?  

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I don't ask to go early that the whole point of them cutting my hours.

I don't understand what you mean there, Abbey.

Nac means leaving early before your notice is up, not going home early after an hour or so if a shift

^of a shift

Abbey, by letting you 'go early' I was carrying on your earlier talk of not having to work out the notice, you said sometimes Selco let people leave and paid them.

You did not get the hours you were hoping for, the hours someone told you ('promised you') that that you'd get. Instead you are back to the 10 hours which was your original contract, with the occasional extra shift (like tomorrow). Selco haven't been like the care home (cutting your hours because you couldn't do the job) - Selco took you on for 10 hours a week and perhaps would be fine to keep you on at 10 hours a week. That's not what you want, of course...

Abbey, I can understand you perhaps not wanting Selco to know you're job-hunting, but as you (normally) work only 10 hours a week, surely interviews elsewhere can be fitted in?

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Oh yes all I been told is sometimes they might with my contract if it was full time would have to be 2 weeks notice.

Next time you get a job, Abbey, I think you'll have to keep a note of all the important stuff - details of the contract, number of hours, length of probation and so on . In Selco it's all been ' a manager promised me this' and 'a colleague said that' - that's not much use, you could be picking things up wrong, people could tell you any old thing...

abbey I really think you need someone to help you with things like job contacts, offer letters, hours of work, rights. Could your mum not check things for you- you clearly need more support in life than you seem to get. Does your mum get any financial support given your learning difficulties you mentioned or has any other support been offered by social services?

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I was promised a full time contract after I passed my trial om checkout.

No my mum doesn't get anything for my condition.

Abbey, do you have any condition apart from dyspraxia?

But have you passed your trial. You have not been on checkout that much

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Yes I did months ago.

They said you needed to improve quickly. You also said your errors were costing them money. What makes you think you did pass the trial on the checkout?

 Besides, circumstances change. If there's pressure on costs companies sometimes avoid spending more money.

I think you misunderstand a lot of things Abbey and need more support. Tell your mum you feel the need to ask strangers online for advice  on even the smallest thing.

Abbey, it's not that I don't  trust what you say - about probation, contracts etc - but you've given us conflicting information at times! You said no-one gets a contract until they pass their probation, then later said you got a 10-hour contract at the beginning. You didn't know how long the probation period was, but it seems likely that your full-time hours were cut (down to 24) as you seemed to be struggling during that. Your hours were cut again, and you said this was due to an overtime ban, though later brought in stuff about bosses' bonuses, missing stock etc. It's really hard for us to follow what's actually gone on!

I just hope being up at 3am posting here doesn't make you too tired to do your first full day for ages today. I'd have been in bed before 10 with a glass of hot milk.

What an exciting life you live newmodarmy.

Thanks for the heads up🙄

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I dud go to bed just before 10pm.

Because some people have thier probation extended.

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