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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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You listen too much to 'some people'!

You should listen to your managers and ask what would make you a valid member of staff!

//I dud go to bed just before 10pm.//

Good, Abbey. And then you were up at 3am posting. I hope you got some sleep later before your long shift today

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I am tired but maybe coz it my first long one in over a month.

Abbey, tired before you start? Do you think you'll manage a full-time job if the thought of doing one full day tires you out? 

Isn't today your full day shift you were nervous about?? It's nearly 9 and you're posting on here. What time are you starting work today?

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I did start at 9 and I'm finishing 6 ill be fine

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I've been offered an interview but not sure weather to go now they've given me the address and it 17 min walk from train station.

Do you have walking issues?


What's wrong with that, abbey?

Abbey, the travelling time doesn't look too bad. I hope it's a job that  would suit you, not another of the 'this'll do' ones?

A couple of things before you go to interview:

how many hours are you being offered and at what rate of pay?

how much would the train fare be each day and would the amount you would earn cover that?

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27 min walk I mean

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Responsible for the accurate picking and dispatch of goods by picking against a hand held terminal and advising Manager of any differences.

Checking quality, shelf life and ensuring packaging is robust in preparation for Delivery.

Responsible for providing a high standard of customer service by processing deliveries efficiently and to target.

Being polite when dealing with delivery staff and responding appropriately to queries and complaints referring any complex situations to someone who can help.



Abbey, the responsibilities of that job don't sound overly arduous. A 27-minute walk isn't too bad, but I have no idea how long it takes you to get to the train station, nor how long the train journey is. I think I am a little hesitant only because over the last couple of years you've worked full-time only for a short while in Selco - it might all prove too much for you. Still, you might decide the effort and time involved are worth it if you want a decent wage and a decent chance of a place of your own at some point fairly soon.

The job sounds easy but half an hour walk isn't great on dark nights or in bad weather.  Maybe you should look for something similar elsewhere,  abbey. 

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It an hour train ride and wage £11.44 p/h that why I wondered if it really not for me do I go to the interview?

Abbey, an hour-long train journey and a 30 minute walk... I don't think you should apply for that. It's far too long a day and the travel costs must be fairly steep too. Look for something more local.

I don't think the journey will work for you - and if it's an hour on the train the fare must be substantial.  I wouldn't bother with any interview if you know the job with suit you.  Is there nothing nearer?

*won't suit you.

Abbey, I know it's been suggested before, but is there no course, no training programme that you could go on - in an area that interests you? It'd be great to get away from all these low-paid or minimum wage jobs.Learning a few skills could open up so much more for you.

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