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That's The Way To Do It......

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ToraToraTora | 10:13 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | News
46 Answers

Islamification is becomming an issue all over Europe and I applaud the way this Mayor is dealing with it.

Of course by not giving in to TROP this woman is getting death threats. When are we going to wake up?



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"What do you suggest we do to stop white people being in the minority NJ?"Too late. That horse has long since bolted."...none of them? not a single one? are you sure?"No of course I'm not sure that not a single one does. It was a generality. Rather like saying English people do not play baseball. Yes, I know a few do (so please don’t post me a link) but it’s very much a...
12:36 Sun 08th Sep 2024

//The Mayor has recognised that in a fairly short time the town will be like large parts of London, where the white British population is in the minority. //

What do you suggest we do to stop white people being in the minority NJ?

"No, it wouldn't happen to white Italians because Italians don't play cricket. That's what it's about."

none of them? not a single one? are you sure?

"be like large parts of London, where the white British population is in the minority."

i'll probably get haidryered for this but... so what? why does this remote prospect terrify you and her so much? 

"It's not bigotry. It's concern"

just because someone is concerned about something it doesn't make them right... it doesn't make them magically un-bigoted either.

i have a touch of insomnia so i just checked and italy has a national cricket federation and also quite a few regional cricket clubs... and has done for quite a long time

so much for "italians don't play cricket" lol

Perhaps the "way to do it" is to get her lazy-*** locals to put down their glasses of plonk, get up of the greasy behinds and do the work themselves. Banning a international sport seems to be a bit of a jerk move.

"What do you suggest we do to stop white people being in the minority NJ?"

Too late. That horse has long since bolted.

"...none of them? not a single one? are you sure?"

No of course I'm not sure that not a single one does. It was a generality. Rather like saying English people do not play baseball. Yes, I know a few do (so please don’t post me a link) but it’s very much a minority sport. From the Wiki article you cited:

"Today, Italian cricket is largely a forgotten relic of the past, with only a handful of cricket clubs still active in the country."

So not really too much to "lol" about at all.

“i'll probably get haidryered for this but... so what? why does this remote prospect terrify you and her so much?”

Firstly, it is not a “remote prospect”. It is a virtual certainty. The town has a fairly small population (c. 30,000) and is already one third of non-Italian origin. As many reports suggest, birth rates among Europeans are far lower than among those from elsewhere so eventually the Italian population will be in the minority.

I can’t speak for the Mayor but it doesn’t terrify me because fortunately I don’t have to live in such areas. I just find some parts of London most unpleasant to have to visit or pass through and I avoid doing so as much as I can. Whether you believe it or not, there are some parts of London where white British people are made obviously and clearly unwelcome. You need to visit them to find out why and the same can be said of many large towns and cities in the UK. 

 “just because someone is concerned about something it doesn't make them right”

No, it doesn’t make them right. And there’s the rub because it doesn’t make them wrong either. That’s because these concerns are matters of opinion. Sticking to the topic, it is my opinion that the UK would be far better off, and a much nicer place, if it did not have the sort of enclaves that I describe. The Mayor of Monfalcone is obviously of the same opinion.

But that opinion will obviously be held as “wrong” because, for many years, there has been a set of approved views  on such topics and anybody veering from them is wrong. They face not only accusations of being “wrong” but are also stigmatised, insulted and abused and it's time it stopped.

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bang on as usual judge.

you must admit that banning cricket just because bangladeshis are playing it does not lend much credibility to those "concerns". she would have just ignored it if white italians were playing cricket and none of us would be any the wiser. i reckon she's just a racist. 

I was going to say that untitled disregards the culture of the people the mayor is talking about - he calls them 'brown' people -  but he doesn't disregard it,  He, quite naively, doesn't give it a second thought - probably because he doesn't understand it and has never taken the trouble to learn.

Anne Cisint is an anti democratic racist!.

Where I lived in London I was an 'ethnic minority'.  Every single shop and store was run by incomers from many Middle Eastern and Asian countries, and I became increasingly disaffected and decided to move away.

The village stores in my village is now run by Asians.

Perhaps the Bagladeshi workers need to get themselves a football and see how that works out. I can't imagine the not-racist-whatsoever mayor banning Italy's beloved beautiful game.

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I love the way the *** deliberately miss the point.

why did being an ethnic minority trouble you so much brainiac? 

I wonder what that abusive word Tora used to insult anyone who disagree with him was?

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it was a 3 letter abbreviation eff oh jay. Not an insult more a label of observed opinion of those observed.

eff oh jay... friends of jihad

would you care to explain how a person who thinks bangladeshis should be allowed to play cricket in public is assisting jihad?

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This is not about cricket, it's about Islamification when the subject comes up the usual suspects always side with the muslims. Hence Eff Oh Jay.

what does playing cricket have to do with islamification?

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Still the penny refuses to drop, this is not about cricket. Read what the judge wrote.

i did and i'm none the wiser because the story in the OP is about a group of bangladeshi men who have been banned from playing cricket. what does it have to do with islamification?

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