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nicebloke1 | 10:59 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Then off to Bonnie Scotland for 2 weeks :0) weather looking fine.



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...and midge season is pretty much over  :)

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Not on here. :0))))

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Now off to have a practice with the fly rod, I feel some nice fresh fish coming on next week. Have a good day all.

We'll be following you up there on the 20th.   Fingers crossed for the weather.  Enjoy your fishing.

I envy you, i've had some marvelous holidays in Scotland.

Hope you have a good time đŸ˜Š

A bit of envy here too. Late ex in-laws lived up there for a good few years when they retired. Loved our trips and missed them when they moved back south.

Not sure where you're going to, but the weather here on the east coast has been glorious for the past three days.

We normally go Middle - East, but are having a change and heading for near Langholme D & G.  Fingers definitely crossed.  Glad it's been nice for you. :)

Been once that far north. Camping. Was not keen on the west coast midges. Pleasant overall though.

Pack the thermals, Nicebloke, Arctic blast forecast ... however, sun is shining and guess you'll enjoy Scottish hospitality with venison, salmon and a wee dram ... not forgetting haggis if you can catch one.  Good luck with the fishing. đŸŸ đŸ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż

Tight lines, Nice Bloke.

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