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It'll Be Late, Will You Watch The Debate?

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sandyRoe | 18:45 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
36 Answers

At 2.30AM a debate between a tired old bankrupt with a string of criminal convictions, and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, will take place.  They are vying for the American Presidency.

Will you stay up to watch?



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The choice in the US is as dire as the UK was.

I'd have to go with Trump though sinply for the immigration and economy.  Harris doesnt have a clue.

As for "a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement" who are you talking about.  All I see is a 59 year old woman (not young) who has a penchant for word salad.  Hardly presidential material.

Why oh why out 300+ million people couldnt they find two decent candidates?

She schooled him.


Also, questions need to be asked about Trump's state of mind. This response sounds extremely "Biden-ish"

(from 29sec in).

//She schooled him.//

Depends on the MSN you choose to read.  Yes she got under his skin but she failed to seriously address her policies.

Its a poor choice the Americans have.

Donald Trump doesn't understand policy. 

Watch the child care video - unedited.

Also do you mean MSM? Do you think that political blogs will be more even-handed in their summary?

Please share some links to politically neutral media sites...(not right wing blogs) - let's see what they have to say about the debate. 

Think I might watch the whole thing myself - not just get edited highlights.

One more question. What the hell happened to his hair? Why it now the same colour as Farah Fawcett Majors'????

what a disgusting weird old creep trump is. she pointed at him and laughed. exactly what he deserves. 


sp: "Please share some links to politically neutral media sites" - there's no such thing me old china.

Surprise, the media declared that Trump was worsened by the opposition candidate. They would have even said he was beaten by a trusted lettuce.

david small

The problem the Trump campaign has is that he doesn't have Biden anymore.

Also, Trump is...well, watch the first 15 seconds of this:

There's something wrong with Trump. Simple as that. You wouldn't let him run a kennel let alone a country.


You're joking about the earrings right?

If not, check out the differences between the Nova model and the ones Harris was wearing here:

Got to say those earrings do look mighty suspicious.


Has anyone had the pleasure of listening to Trump's childcare answer?

And the only suspicious thing about Harris' earrings is...well nothing really. 

Today isn't a good day for Donald in the same way that June 28th must've been a pretty lousy day for Joe.

Earrings 🤣🤣.

I don't know what's funnier, watching the debate, or watching Trump lovers desperately trying to spin something positive out of it. 🤣🤣🤣

Harris wants another debate, but I don't think it will happen.

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