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Exploding Pagers......

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mushroom25 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
123 Answers

many injured, and now deaths are being reported. Hezbollah are calling it a security breach, and are blaming Israel. if that is indeed the case, how was it possible?



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god this thread seems to lead a charmed life - un-mimsy it is ( mimsy - nayce, gemutlich, elevenses, luncheon, squiffy, not-vulgar) and yet it lives on !

Untouched by the mimsy squad ( bless them all !) - what is its secret ?

Hungary is saying BLA is an import/export company and has no production capacity ( in H) - which means..... they were all produced outside and shipped in....


@18.22 Just another load of boisseux.🏹🔒🔒

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Exploding Pagers......

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