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More Hezbollah Explosions

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jackthehat | 16:01 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
113 Answers

The exploding pagers will have driven the terrorists to use another sort of communication device, and then.....

What next, I wonder?



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i do not think terrorism or hostage taking or violence against civilians is acceptable by any group regardless of cause naomi... i have always said that. 

You duck and dive, untitled - but it doesn't conceal your loyalties.

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The trouble is that there are no rules of engagement which can be applied, or followed, when your enemy hides itself among non-combatants. It is impossible to find an opportunity to engage them face to face across the battlefield but it is unreasonable to expect any country to allow itself to be attacked again and again and again and not retaliate in some measure.

If Hezbollah won't cross the border and engage with the IDF directly, then Israel is forced to undertake measures to mitigate their capabilities.

The trouble is that there are no rules of engagement which can be applied,

yes there are ( always have been) the rules of engagement of the side that has the  army - Malaya Vietnam hem hem, Northern Ireland,  - nothing new here

If Hezbollah won't cross the border and engage with the IDF directly, then Israel is forced to undertake measures to mitigate their capabilities.

what ? when translated, is  - - if hezbullah wont invade then we will invade them ! - - - Righto!

if what I have written makes you want to  puke - - then down the corridor, you will find it on the far right....

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PP - I think you probably understood what I meant, even if it suits your purposes to claim not to.

PP //what ? when translated, is  - - if hezbullah wont invade then we will invade them ! - - - Righto! //

"Righto" indeed. If your neighbour remained on his property but kept throwing stones and breaking your windows, would you not think it justifiable to go round and sort him out ?

Don't say 'call the cops' because (a) It doesn't apply and (b) they're useless anyway; they are now only interested in hate crimes, (but I digress).



What gets me is why doesnt the Lebanese government and the sensible people in Lebanon not expel these cancerous Hezbollah terrorists from their country?Jordan expelled the Palestinian terrorists in the 1970s,why cant Lebanon also do the same?

because Lebanon has been taken over lock, stock & barrel by Islamists

"detonating bombs in public places amid civilians is terrorism"

Isnt that exactly what Hamas and Hezbollah have been doing for many years with no regard for non combatant safety. The israeli pagers / walkie talkies are aimed at terrorists, if those terrorists hide in amongst the public, as is usual, its their fault.

Wasnt Lebanon a bit like the South of France at one time?What happened?

-- answer removed --

Allegedly Iran arranged for Hezbollah to establish itself there. And my understanding is that Lebanon doesn't have the military force to send them away.

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