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R N L I - They've Got A Cheek...

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ToraToraTora | 22:10 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
91 Answers

Just seen their ad asking for money to be left in wills. Well I used to give money to this shower. Now they are are the main importers of illegal immigrants. They go out to find them and ferry them back. They'll get sweet FA from me.

Don't get me started on the border farce......



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These illegal migrants know they will be "rescued" by the RNLI as soon as they set off and reach British waters. They are wating there to pick them up. The sooner the RNLI stop doing this and leave them floundering the better.  It might act as a deterrent. 
06:04 Thu 19th Sep 2024

Not showing a significant part of their activities in the adverts implies they are taking the public for fools.

is it significant?  on the link provided to support the OP it says 3%

HM Coastguard circling off the coast of France

are you confused between the coastguard and RNLI?

Nope its a HM Coastgurd aircraft

Thankfully, it seems as if the RNLI’s income has not been too badly impacted by the sort of nonsense posted on this thread.  The last year (end 2022) for which figures are available shows an increase in voluntary donations and legacies.  The brave men and women (largely volunteers) who put their own lives at risk everytime their vessel is launched do it to save lives.  Their mission is to save everyone in danger at sea whoever that might be.  One would not need to be a member of Mensa to realise that a shoddy little boat, overcrowded, bobbing around in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and probably without anyone on board who knows how to sail a boat is in danger.  That is not the fault of the RNLI.  That is the fault of the criminals who make fortunes from the people trying to enter this country illegally.  The fact that they can make such money is down to successive governments who have failed to get a grip on illegal immigration.


The RNLI is doing what it has always done – saving lives at sea.  Indirectly, this could be seen as a criticism of the volunteer individuals who launch their lifeboats in all weathers to save any life.  Would you criticise a coxswain to his face for towing in a dinghy of illegal immigrants and handing them over to the authorities as assisting “an invasion” when last week he saved three kids who were swept out to sea on their inflatable?  Thankfully, those individuals have more humanity in their little fingers than some of the ill-informed and frankly disgusting posters on this thread.

Vary well said Barmaid thank you

"Nope its a HM Coastgurd aircraft"

yes, i wondered how it relates to not donating to RNLI

I agree with former RNLI member David Wimble. 

Former RNLI crew member David Wimble said the ethos of the charity has "never changed", and has always avoided discriminating against "anything gender, politics or religion".

Wimble praised the work of the crews over the last 200 years and said it's "all about saving lives at sea" for the lifeguards.

However, Wimble revealed that certain areas of the UK, such as the South East, have voiced their concerns for the growing number of migrant crossings they are needing to assist Border Force with.  He explained: "Some people might give them more money, but I would say the majority of people don't think that it's being used in the way that William Hillary set it up for, which was purely to save lives at sea."



"the majority of people don't think that it's being used in the way that William Hillary set it up for, which was purely to save lives at sea."

Very true. The RNLI was not set up to escort illegal economic migrants.  I'm sorry to say this, but RNLI are assisting the people traffickers by acting as a taxi service for these illegals.  The RNLI was not set up to help law-breakers and do an excellent job in saving people in peril without becoming a taxi service.  I hate the fact brave RNLI volunteers are obliged to assist illegal immigration.


Excellent post, Barmaid!

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