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Do You Think I Should Dress Smart For A Interview At A Charity Shop

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abbeylee90 | 20:45 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
106 Answers

Only volunteering a few hours a week after work until I get a full time job. Got interview tomorrow 



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Abbey ...your answers are too often incomprehensible, two or three words with no verbs and we don't know whether you are responding to a specific post or just thinking out loud.

Your post saying just 'employment agencies' does not answer Prudie's question.

And it's confusing when you bring in different points. What has 'being a bad thing if I work for an agency got to do with your volunteering work?

Geez no Abbey,  do you really think the customers want to feel belittled?

Dress in cheap charity togs, make the customers think they're awesome.

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I'll make a new thread 

Abbey PLEASE do not make another thread!! Dear god......

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Working for an agency I mean but with another company

Make another thread if you want to, abbey.  

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Do You Think I Should Dress Smart For A Interview At A Charity Shop

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