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What Is Astrology

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bejandaruwalla | 11:16 Wed 26th Apr 2023 | History
15 Answers
what is astrology


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something you look up in a dictionary or encyclopedia
Something which us Virgos don't believe in.
It is a fantasy believed in by far more folk than human intelligence should allow.
It is a branch of TWWOTB where normally sane people believe that the position of the stars is in some way related to personality traits, I'm a Griffin so I know these things.
is the belief that the position of stars will determine the future.

and yes I think you should have used a dictionary
Something which us Scorpios don't believe in.
It doesn’t hold much water for this Aquarius.
Oddly Jeffrey Archer isn't a Sagittarian.
But I am a goat!
Eeeeeeh! It makes you think!
the main problem is that the constellations don't exist. The stars aren't grouped together, it was an optical illusion as seen in Babylon.
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Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies—such as planets and stars—and how they influence human affairs and natural phenomena. It is based on the belief that the positions of these celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth can provide insights into their personality, behaviors, and life events. Astrology encompasses various branches, including natal astrology (focused on individual birth charts), mundane astrology (pertaining to world events), and horary astrology (answering specific questions). Through charts and calculations, astrologers interpret the influences of celestial bodies to offer guidance and understanding of one's life journey.

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