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No Pain, No Gain.

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sandyRoe | 14:09 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Having always had two left feet I was glad when my dancing days ended.

If I'd wanted to continue I would have appreciated a partner who knew her mind and wasn't afraid to let me know when I stood on her toes.

That would probably be the way with many teachers.

What's wrong with that?



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Some women in 'the arts' imagine that any instruction is an assault on their freedom and person resulting in an inability to give direction or criticism for fear of being thought overbearing and insulting.

Maybe look for an ex-miner or a trucker in your quest for twinkle-toedness.

I see I was on the right track. 😄

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oh Gawd

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No Pain, No Gain.

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