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How Many Deaths Of Innocents, Including Many Children,...

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sandyRoe | 13:54 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | News
70 Answers

...are acceptable to the Israelis if they succeed in killing a middle rank Hamas leader?



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'Terrorist' is a label correctly applied to groups/individuals who terrorise the public. It isn't applied to armies carrying out their duty in times of war.

Well said Khandro.

"'Terrorist' is a label correctly applied to groups/individuals who terrorise the public."

the IDF set off hundreds (thousands?) of bombs in public places in Beirut a few weeks ago specifically and was conducting sonic booms over the city for months before that specifically in order to frighten the population. by your own definition they engage in terrorism.

Well said as well OG.

"It isn't applied to armies carrying out their duty in times of war."

what if the duties of an army include terrorising the public

Luckily it's not been an issue because only members have been targeted. But there again it wouldn't be because the definition can not be widened to count all times an individual becomes terrorised as otherwise all acts of war get included, since the very activity of combat will inevitably frighten.

Not hard to find all the Hamas/Hez-bo-llah apologists on here.

in your view an army cannot commit acts of terrorism by definition?

ynaa, it's the usual who openly support the terrorists. 

They live in a little bubble.

Your OP makes no sense Sandy, non whatsoever.  War sadly has collateral damage and that is heightened when your terrorist buddies hide behind civilans.  

Also, in case you rose tinted specs cant see it these terrorists dont wear uniforms and also children commit or at least take part in some of the attrocities.  

And lastly for the appologists above, what is your solution?

do you have any proof that the children killed in lebanon or gaza so far were soldiers youngmafbog? many of the ones named in gaza were less than a year old when they died. 

Why do some people hate the jews so much?

Not what a correct definition of terrorism is, no. As mentioned, to do so would mean both sides in any war is guilty of terrorism, which means the word loses any value. It isn't a rabbit hole anyone sane would want to go down.

Untitled, Hamas is still holding little Israeli children hostage - that's if they're still alive.  What about them? 

they must be released and should never have been taken hostage. 

thank you OG. you do not believe any "offical" army can commit acts of terrorism then. the russians would be delighted.

^^ and why do some people not understand that war is hell ?

Moral: Don't start it. And Israel most certainly didn't start this one. 

You're ducking and diving again, untitled.  Only barbarians take children hostage.  Those people are barbarians.

did they not? 

- 15 year blockade of gaza

- funding hamas 

- firing on peaceful protestors

- torture and rape of detainees including children

there's plenty of blame to go around and the israeli government has its share in my view... as of course does hamas

That is utterly disingenuous, untitled.  If you were genuine you wouldn't be out marching for Palestine and supporting one against the other.

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