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Liver And Onions

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Vagus | 16:52 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
30 Answers

Found some of the above in the freezer, had completely forgotten about it. So that's my evening meal sorted, having it with carrot and swede mash, and some Idaho mashed potato, which made me think of Sqad 😕

Tomorrow I'm making a batch of ragu, and the same of chilli. In the next week or two I intend to make some stroganoff, goulash, and boeuf bourgognonne. Latest blood test shows I'm a tad anaemic which I think is due to our mainly veggie diet so I'm upping the meat for a while.

Anyone do anything interesting with liver? Mine was cooked with bacon and onions.



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That's a lot of mash in one meal.

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Mmmmm, I know 😋

I don't like liver, except for foie.

I'm doing a chilli as well, tomorrow night, as I picked up a bag of Doritos Extra Flamin Hot 🔥 today. I just don't know whether to do potatoes or rice to go with it.

Always have a few pieces of lamb kidney with my liver, along with the bacon 'n' onions, Vagus. No Liver in Tesco last Friday but loads of lamb kidney. Better luck next time, maybe.


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Foie Gras is one of the cruelest delicacies one can eat and its production should be banned.

On a lighter note, liver is also disgusting 😂

Oh that's offal.

Was that SD's burd?

Awful or offal Douglas

Make faggots with pigs liver and pork shoulder.  You don't have to use caul but I prefer to wrap each faggot in it.  You can cheat and use packet stuffing in the meat mixture.  Serve with onion and red wine gravy and any type of potato and veg.

These are not traditional faggots but a resemblance. 

The only liver I've eaten that I've liked was calves liver lightly fried in butter and served with buttery mash. Foie Gras should be banned or at least the production of it changed so as not to force feed the geese. Having said that it really is delicious, the proper stuff not the 'pate' made from the trimmings.

The production of foie gras is banned in the UK, it's up to other countries how they deal with it.

If people in the UK stopped buying it, retailers would stop importing it.  I choose not to eat it

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I've had proper foie gras only twice, quite a few years ago, in the Dordogne, and it really was very delicious.

Not had it since, and don't think I'd have it now either in France or England, much as I enjoyed it.

I love liver but OH hates it and won't even consider eating it, I think it goes back to his schooldays when he was forced to eat it. I made a large batch of it way back in January I think, ate some, put the rest in the freezer and then forgot about it.

Gosh Barry, that seems a lot of faff, I hope you and your oldies think it's worth it 🙂

Thankfully my butcher makes traditional faggots so I don't have to 😄

/// I think it goes back to his schooldays when he was forced to eat it.////

I too hated school dinner liver, but properly cut and cooked I now find it delicious.

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He says it was all the chewy tubes and pipes in it which made him heave, Canary, I can't convince him the liver I make is nothing like that.

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Barry 👍😉😋

Only poultry liver for me. I usually get chicken livers and make half with onions and cream, and use the other half for pate. Last week I got duck liver from Sainsbury's.  Just £1 for a pack...turned about 2/3 of the pack into pate. Gorgeous. I could eat it every day.

When I was young, a local butcher actually existed (I think you can find them in museums these days) then we could get proper traditional faggots. But for many a year the only faggots I've seen are Brains brand, and they seem to be just mincemeat balls in gravy. Ok ish but not the same.

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