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P E 787

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brainiac | 11:32 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

State axes Hair - "it's sinful" (8)

Think it has to be Trespass.  I see 'tress' for hair but how does 'spa' or 'pas' mean 'state' ?   And why the inverted commas?



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Is Pa a state- Philadelphia? pennsylvania The it's could indicate this should be Pa's

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Yes, PA for Pennsylvania, but where does the extra S come from ?

It's sinful = Pa's sinful?

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Still searching for that extra S.......

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Anyone help with this please?

tres pa's  s

all s accounted for

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Hmmm I suppose so.  Thanks

Yes, it is a bit flaky.

Could axes be plural of axis hence the ss ?

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P E 787

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