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The Government Of St Helena Has Been Handed £6.65M To Take Migrants Who Arrive In The Chagos Islands

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naomi24 | 10:31 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
11 Answers

Despite having ditched the Rwanda scheme calling it inhumane - forfeiting the millions paid  into the bargain - and ceded sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, Mr Starmer has nevertheless agreed to take responsibility for migrants arriving at the Chagos Islands by sending them to the British territory of St Helena, population just 4,500, 5000 miles away.



My question is does this man actually possess a brain - and if so where is it?



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Shouldn't you be glad they're not coming here ?

I have just read this morning somewhere that they are being offered residency in Romania.

it's not our problem now is it? So Starmer is now taking on the problems of foreign nations? Radio rental.

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He's obviously an idealist, in the sense that he's ideally suited for retirement.

The common room must be missing this firebrand defender of everything that's none of his *** business.

St Helenian's are entitled to British citizenship.  This will just be a stop gap before the migrants legally move to the UK 

Totally bananas - you just couldn't make it up! 🙄

Probably in a glass jar at some museum.


Despite the bribe I'm sure St. Helena inhabitants won't want them.


While the UK still has control, the illegals should be taken back to where they came from. (Same as for those invading the UK if it comes to that.) If control ever passes to somewhere else then it's no longer a UK problem and illegals have no reason to be sent to St. Helena.

Can we not call for a referendum stating no confidence in our present PM ? Must be a petition out for that, surely ?

Chagossians in Crawley (3,500) --- quite amazing,  all started by Tony Blair...

I believe the population of Bulgaria is plummeting.

They might be welcomed there.

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The Government Of St Helena Has Been Handed £6.65M To Take Migrants Who Arrive In The Chagos Islands

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