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Shakespeare Removed By Starmer

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Khandro | 14:20 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | News
92 Answers

The Bard of Stratford upon Avon wrote during the reign of Elizabeth 1, she in turn was queen during a time when there was slavery, therefore ................ he has to go !

Philistinism, wokism or both ? 



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What fund was that, ynnafymmi?

Naomi; I don't expect you to have sympathy for anything - that's your choice.


So what would you like me to be sympathetic about, atheist?  You really ought to put your money where your mouth is.

@13.41.Look it up yersel PP.

There's a silver sixpence under my tongue at this moment.

Rather cowardly of you, atheist, but nothing new.

I like a woman with spirit. :-)

Atheist is still-"im holier than thou"..."im still better than all you plebs"...isnt that right Atheist?Well your not.Get used to it.

I thought I was naughty, not holy.

Anyway, this thread has been allowed by the mods to drift off to faraway lands nothing to do with the original post, apart from Khandro's speculation about what prompted the removal of the portrait.

It hasn't drifted.  Wokism was mentioned in the OP and several people seem to think that slavery has something to do with the reason for removing the paintings.  

that's a stretch naomi 

what actually happened is that khandro completely made up the assertion that the paintings were removed because of some kind of link to slavery and some of AB's esteemed conservatives leaped on the opportunity to say that they think slavery and imperialism were actually good

Well all the victims of colonialist slavery and imperialism seem to prefer living in their colonialist and imperialist masters countries rather than returning to their"roots"countries.Strange that?

I don't think that's a stretch, untitled.  I think that's what we're talking about.... but petulant objections to imperialism constitutes wokism too.

Is it the objections to imperialism, or the fact that the objections are 'petulant', that you seem to object to?

Naomi; are you in favour of imperialism?

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Untitled; I didn't make up any link to slavery, if you had read the Telegraph article in the OP, you would see from where that emanates.

Khandro, I saw the article and didn't notice anything like the views that you posted.

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