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Official Explaination Of Why We Put The Clocks Back

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renegadefm | 05:43 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Here is an official explanation of why we adopted the reason behind putting the clocks back in October :


Why do we change the clocks?

We change the clocks to get the most out of the daylight.

The first clock change was introduced by the German government in 1916 during the First World War as a means of saving electricity with more daylight hours.

Many European governments followed suit, including Britain, and British Summer Time was born, with the current system in place since 1971.


Explanation over, but am I missing something here, we gain more light in the morning, but lose it in the evening, so it doesn't save energy because lights and everything will be turned on sooner at the end of the day compared to the start. 


Or am I just missing something here? 



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ladybirder: Most of the farmer's livestock are sadly, indoors nowadays 🙁

I don't understand the reference to farmers; cows want milking at the same time each day and I've never yet seen a cow wearing a watch, so they are completely unaware of the clock change.

I always put  it down to the fact that humans don't like getting up but will stay up and work as long as it's light Putting the clock forward in spring means the clock says 8 when we get up at 7. In the evening instead of going dark at, say 9, it's 10, so we've worked until later without realising it.

The UK is at a latitude where changing the clocks by an hour can make a significant difference.

Iceland doesn't bother as by December there is only about 4 hours of daylight to play around with whatever they choose to do.

With countries close to the Tropics there is no point in changing anything

by George he ' s got it ( I avoid the word G out of respect for five leaves)

Aswan - sun goes down - clunk it  is dark. They were unable to understand the English pre-occupation with evenings - they never had one

no one has mentioned double summertime in WW2

yeah my dog has an uncanny sense of time during the day

Our dog (dinner time somewhere just after 7.00 p.m.) has been agitating for about 20 days now, because it is getting dark, so that he thinks it is later and that his dinner is late.

We'll gradually bring it forwards to about 6.45 and then reverse the time change in Spring.

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I take on board all your comments. 

My point was the reason to change the clocks is to save energy. 

I fail to see how we save energy by switching lights on earlier which means longer in the evenings. 

It's a pointless exercise. 

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Also for the record, my Father was a farmer, and he hated the dark evenings, because theres still jobs to do on a farm after 5pm, and he hated having to roam around in the dark trying to do stuff. 

He used to carry a torch, but it was pitch black by 5pm after October. 

I've probably carried his pet hate about it onto me, who knows. 

When it was introduced I don't think there was any suggestion that it was about energy saving (and there still isn't). It's about what's fits best with our daily activities.

Focus on energy use is a more modern preoccupation.

PS.  //a means of saving electricity with more daylight hours.//

You can't get more daylight hours by messing with the clocks - that's not in our power.

//Official Explaination Of Why We Put The Clocks Back//

Possible because previously you put them forward?

Just asking🤔

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