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Kaba Was Core Member Of Brixton Drugs Gang.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:06 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
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Who'd have thunk it eh? So they drag a copper over the coals for years and acquit in less than 3 hours. That copper did us all a favour, I look forward to the New Years Honour's list.



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"It's a wonder anyone is prepared to be a firearms officer."Indeed it is Tora.It was telling that a number of firearms officers handed in their accreditation following the suspension of officer Blake and I can't blame them.Mny of tthese ases all have a common theme - an armed officer takes a split second decision to open fire when a matter, literally, of life...
13:52 Tue 22nd Oct 2024

Probably dealing in chemical products of some kind.

These"dealings"must have paid well dave for him to afford a £40,000 car,plus the yearly insurance for it.

What's your view on the CPS should they be looked at for this monumental error?

Yes they should.

But rather than concerntrate on this particular case, there should be a fundamental shift away from automatically considering prosecution of police officers in these circumstances. An officer shooting a person he suspects will immediately cause death or injury to another person is not the same as Kaba shooting a rival drug dealer in a night club.

The officer has been provided with a weapon and is authorised to use it. He should not face the possibility of being stood up on a murder or unlawful killing charge in the event he gets his split second decision wrong.

He should not be automatically suspended. Tht immediately casts suspicion on his actions. He most certainly should not be named. It's a funny situation where a convicted child murderer can be given a change of identity and lifelong anonymity, whereas a police office doing what he was trained to do and found to have been innocent of any wrongdoing, is identified for all the world to know.

Changes are needed or we very soon won't have many officers willing to put their lives on the line for others when knowing that if they behave correctly they will still be up before the Beak.

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bang on judge, I'd give you BA but you already have it!

A90 northbound delays near Aberdeen as drivers try to secure half-price Audi Q8s.

The media was not allowed to mention Kaba's lengthy violent criminal past during the trial and Kaba's mother applied to extend reporting restrictions beyond the end of the trial, but she failed. 

I wonder why she wanted that to happen?

Nothing to do with this, surely.....?


@16.49.How much rent am i due this week Dougie?

Many of these ases all have a common theme - an armed officer takes a split second decision to open fire when a matter, literally, of life and death of either him, his colleagues or the public is at stake.

yes the common theme is fantasy - - Kaba was unarmed soooo all the assertions in para 1 were  untrue or.... in the police officers mind

Now my dears - if the police are shooting too many people ( Jean Charles Menendez) oops unarmed people

they are turning in their firearms licences

surely the way forward, is to say - "roll up roll up, hand them all in, we will use the army." and then select new applicants from the police as and  when  the occur/apply

simples new team doing what you want - end of


That police officer has been treated disgracefully, he should never have been named.

I too cannot understand why any police officer would volunteer to be armed now

That police officer has been treated disgracefully, he should never have been named.

i think it is all about public justice

do I agree with  secret police  justice ? noop neither should you

The irony is if he had just let the police arrest him he would probably only have served a couple of years.


This lovely fella got out today.

In over thirty years of policing I was engaged in just about everything.  Every year at my appraisal interview with a senior officer I was told my abilities, temperament and outlook made me ideal to be a candidate for firearms training - and every year I would reply 'Are you mad'. Society has still not understood the pressures of being a 'shot'.  Thank God the jury did and now they know the whole truth they can sleep soundly.

PP, naming him has put his life, and his family's lives at risk. He has done nothing wrong. 

There are systems in place for defendants to be tried anonymously such as those in witness protection and those whose lives could be in danger if identified 



Some criminals get anonymity.  That policeman should have been afforded equal protection.  In ridding society of that creature he's done this country a huge service.

The only issue with criminal anonymity is that, as was shown a couple of months ago, it leads to false informatio being distributed, believed and acted upon.

from so called best answer: It was telling that a number of firearms officers handed in their accreditation following the suspension of officer Blake

do we know how many - ? Ther eis a difference between " I will do this, I will!" and " here you are sarge"  oops AB alert - there is a difference between saying you will do something and actually doing it ( Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potch)

and um isnt this a case of declariing someone is innocent before even the case has been heard ?

Some criminals get anonymity.

noop - no one accused to murder has been  granted anonymooty ( article Times today)

murder because he was not acting in self defence - so that defence was not open to him ( article Times today)

and finally ( article times today) The Kaba family DID try to make the temp injunction on his naughty past permanent and this was opposed by the lawyers for the  press ( third party -  v v complex for AB) - on the grounds of..... open justice

With a bit of luck PP when you need a Policeman they will (politley) tell you to Go forth and multiply.

PP, naming him has put his life, and his family's lives at risk. He has done nothing wrong. 

noop and er noop

The counsel for god=knows-who argued in front of Judge Dredd,  that no evidence at all had been pleaded that NS121 has been endangered. Judge Dredd agreed ( at that time)

and (second noop) there has been alot of yapping about a retrial as a disciplinary re-hearing the whole thing as a police discipline action

Real TTT mindless squawking: and the level is balance of probabilities. How unfair. All regulated professions get  this - Lawyers, Doctors, and here we have  - - armed police.

I think the word to use is  -- -  accountability

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