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//he said "Right chefs, you've got a job to do..."//


Unlike him who is currently unemployable.


By accusing a "handful of middle-class women of a certain age", he's just adding fuel to the fire.  That man is a complete cretin.

I don't particularly like the man, find him very childish in fact.

But, I find it strange that some of the people he has worked with have not called him out before now. I'm pretty sure someone like Monica would be strong enough to not put up with bad behaviour, or even the male chefs would decline to work with him. Or is bad behaviour only when no one else is looking.

netherfield, I think he was spoken to some years ago.  

He has been 'called out before' - nobody listened.   Celebrity Masterchef winner Emma Kennedy reported him to production staff in 2012, but no action was taken.

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