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What Time Do You Go To Bed

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renegadefm | 14:59 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

Not to be taken seriously, just a bit of light hearted fun. 

But typically what time do you go to bed?

Or do you just go when you feel tired?

Personally I don't have a set time as I do shift work, and sometimes I work nights, but my parents would typically go to be at 10 o'clock. 


I was just trying to gauge at what hour do most people go to bed. 



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Between 10.30 and 11.00 p.m..

Between 11.45-12.30am up at 8.00am

A bit OTT but I have to be in bed with cat on board by 10pm for the World Tonight - except for weekends when I stay up late and drink Pinot....🍸

Weekdays around 1030 but weekends nearer midnight.

Varies. 23:30 to 00:00 usually.

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What Time Do You Go To Bed

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