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Am I Right To Be Offended?

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abbeylee90 | 19:23 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
134 Answers

My friend who's hen party I went to a few weeks ago. They told me it was an enclosed wedding but she invited other friends obviously one was maid of honour and invited the other one who came to hen night a few others I know from where I use to work unless her husband invited them but I feel quite hurt that I wasn't invited or even tp the party.



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DIDL Well that how I thought things worked out.

Perhaps they want the wedding to be about them and not about you!

Move on, far too many more important things in life.

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Of course it's about the bride and groom but invited the others in our group.

Try to be less egoentric Abbey, shrug off these imagined slights instead of letting them fester.

Maybe they were worried that you wouldn't be able to decide what to wear.

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Mad of course not but I do ask them for opinions 

Lol madgeorge : D

Seriously though we all know whats it like to feel left out/used etc but what you should learn is that what others do or think of you is not in your control. 

It is a total waste of time and energy to ruminate on this. Life is short the years go by and thats it. Don't allow the actions of others to steal this time away from you. 

What you can control is what you choose to dedicate your time and energy to

It is their party and they can invite whom they want to

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I know just feel left out and that she said family only. If she told me I she wasn't inviting me for whatever reason I might have understood more

I don't think anyone would ever do that forthcomming way .. tell someone they are not inviting them and give a reason

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I understand it hard telling someone that you're not inviting them to thier wedding


Peter Pedant...  wasn't that the lyrics to a song ??!!

//...she said family only. If she told me I she wasn't inviting me for whatever reason I might have understood more //

Isn't your answer there?^^^ "she said family only". That's the reason...

Family only is why you are not invited as a guest. Wedding party will include bridesmaids etc who might or might not be family. You are sounding like a child who is not invited to a birthday party. 

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No a few of her friends I know went including the other one who came out foe her hen so basically Im only one from the hen night who didn't go. I was going to try and organise a Christmas meal for us buy not sure now.

I am confused. Has the wedding taken place already? If it has there is nothing you can do about it so forget it and get on with your life

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Yes it has that's how I found I been left out

I would take the positives from this - at least you didn't have to but them a wedding present!

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I don't care that I wasn't invited it just the fact that she lied and said keeping it low key then I see in fb she invited our other friend.

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