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Is It Possible

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davebro3 | 19:44 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

To hate anyome more than Guy Martin?

And I don't even watch his programs!🤣



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Are you talking about the motorcyclist? I don't hate him (never heard of him, just googled) and I don't watch his programmes. What is upsetting you?



i dont hate him per se but boy is he irritating

I enjoyed his canal series and the one about energy/electricity

He's just part of an ever growing band of people that the television producers assume because they can do one thing well thay can automatically do everything well. The result is lacklustre programmes presented by people who have neither the skills or personality to present them properly.  

 The result is lacklustre programmes presented by people who have neither the skills or personality to present them properly.  

yeah I have just sat thro a programme on Tiltman who was one of Turings co-workers - and it was obvious that they didnt know what Enigma was, how it was broken, what traffic analysis was and anything about his contribution.

Brian Cox - particle physicist who does the solar system as well, was doing photosynthesis the other day and not doing a bad job, I must say

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