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Another Belter From The Religion Of Peace....

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ToraToraTora | 22:27 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | News
24 Answers

So only women can do medical stuff on women, right?

But women are not allowed to train as any sort of medical operative, right oh!

Why are Muslims so terrified of women?



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If you ever see the older generation muslim women trudging around their local muslim  communities in towns in the UK they look like they have the world in their shoulders, a life of cooking, cleaning and looks after kids and the men folk. That's all they seem to do.

not a lot the west can do now.. we tried, other muslim countries supported the taliban even ones we send aid and do business with, we have roughly 2 million of them living in the uk ie pakistanis, a truly insidious ideology, i cannot think of anything good that has come from it 0, it brings nothing the table, very invasive,

Canary42,just explain how we ask our ancestors,what a diddly-donk you are.

I couldnt understand what was going on

The great impetus for womens medical schools in the nineteenth century was that women wished to be treated by women - and this was catered for by the British Raj in our great Indian Empire

child birth was not medicalised ( doctors only) - there were midwives ( trained) and sages-femmes  ( sarge-fammz) untrained. 

ane we know that the mortality is high if the mothers have to deliver themselves

so this is not so  much shari3 as crazy men setting their own crazy  rules

( PP trying to inject some gorm into the usual islamophobic thread)

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