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They Still Can't Help It Can They.

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gulliver1 | 12:00 Sat 07th Dec 2024 | News
25 Answers

A Ex Tory Mp who earned £70,000 on the side when he was  a serving MP showed "blatant disregard" in failing to register earnings with The Commons Standards Commitee While being employed as a consultant for a defence   company .Bob Stewart who was MP  for Beckenham at the time .



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There's a long line of them involved in this VIP fast tracked PPE it appears, lots of links up and down the chain of 5 companies, but still all being investigated so nothing concrete as yet.

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15.21.. I always do.

You didn't though. 😂

I've just realised Gullible is talking about Sir Geoffrey Cox. This fella has a mind like a steel trap and his intellect is so towering that he had the ability to be an incredibly successful lawyer and an MP at the same time, and by all accounts was a pretty good constituency MP.


These ARE the people we need in politics. Give me a Cox over a council house thick as pig ***.e Poundland Barbie every day of the week.

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21.42 Deskdiary,,"I have just realised... "Gullible"... is talking about Sir Geoffrey Cox"... I am surprised "Deskdiarrhea" knows what anyone is talking about.

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