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Do You Think I Would Be Taking The *** In Work?

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abbeylee90 | 19:04 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Jobs & Education
35 Answers

I've had 3 days off now I'm thinking of booking off 27th-30th December? Do you think that's wrong?



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Don't worry I'll be there.

Yes. You are employed to work, not take days off.

everyone is entitled to time off.  dont you already get 158 hrs a week off?

That ^^^ made me giggle 😃 

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Like I said it doesn't matter now.

Are you entitled to any more paid holiday?

down the rabbit hole again...🙄

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A few 

You get a lot of holiday for only working 10 hours a week.

Not really DDIL. She may get say 33 holidays including bank holidays...but that'd be 33 x2 hrs so only 66 hours a year. 😉

True NMA but the OP has a lot of holidays - almost tempted to work for SELCO myself

If you leave allows these days and you give the notice in the contract, then yes.

also you have to follow the rules about number of people off

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Not sure if I would have to give notice.

Of course you have to give notice if you decide to leave.

If you're talking about holidays of course you need to request it (and give notice) and hope it gets approved.

PP's reply must have had a typo in- he must have meant if YOUR leave not if YOU leave

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Do You Think I Would Be Taking The *** In Work?

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