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maggiebee | 15:48 Sun 29th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

This New Year there is no way that I am not seeing family and friends dispite any weather conditions, but I am determined

So, on New Years Day, the following family will be at the table......

Auntie Stella & Uncle Jameson, with cousin Bailey, Malibu & Smirnoff, & the twins Gin & Tonic,

Scottish cousins Johnny Walker and Glen Moray, & from across the pond, bringing some old fashioned southern comfort with them my old cousins, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam,

My French mate Remy Martin & his friend Pernod, my Spanish mate Jose Cuevro & his cousin Martini, & Bianco, & her daughter tequila my Greek friends Ouzo & Sambuca,

My friends Brandy, Fosters, Snowball & mickey slim,

My Neighbours Captain Morgan & the Grants, the Bells, & the Cointreau's, & the Henneseys,

Uncle Charlie cant make an appearance though.....not good around the kids... although Auntie Stella is out on bail, so she might turn up



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It looks as though a happy time will be had by all! Don't disturb the neighbours, though!

With so many of his tribe there, I'm a bit surprised Al Cohol doesn't feature 🤣

... note that I said 'don't disturb the neighbours'. They might want an invitation.

I heard the tennants say their lease could get stuffed, they're up for a party.

Auntia Maria said she would look in.

Don't I get an invite?

Thats a bit Rum!

Becks will probably arrive at half-time.

This could be a coke and red bull story.

Did you forget the Port er to help with the visitors' luggage?

Whatever happens, keep your gin up.

What about Grandma's friend, Sherry?..

Oh, your Irish relatives? The Guiness's..

It's Christmas you're supposed to get merry !

Hope your Mexican cousin Margarita is invited 🍸 wouldn't be a proper party without her

Just in time for cocktails, old flame Tom Collins and his brother John arrive 🍸

Jack Daniel's will be my company

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