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maggiebee | 14:49 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | News
30 Answers

Scotland’s economy gets a massive boost with £800m investment in battery storage by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

Two 500MW Battery Energy Storage facilities will be based in Scotland— becoming Europe’s largest facilities.



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Not sure if maggieb is still on here desky,she seems to have disappeared into the ether.Either that or she is out partying with Sturgeon and her(p*ete*dy)husband?

Gone on a camper van holiday maybe?

"So, Scotland generates a whopping £7,000,000,000 more than New Zealand but the English want you still to believe that we're too poor for independence!"

Perhaps you'd like to have a go at the famous 10...

No one has ever answered a sigle one of these but I live in hope....



I find it bizzare someone wouldl boast about such a massive tax take.

I just wish they would go, be a shame as I would rather we were together but honestly if it stops the continual whinning then just go.

"I find it bizzare someone wouldl boast about such a massive tax take." - that's what impresses lefties, they take pride in how much they can fleece their hostages. Conservatives take pride in how much we can let the citizens keep of their own money, that's the difference.

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Deskdiary - yes I wish England could have freedom - Scotland, N. Ireland and Wales all have devolved governments. Poor old England out there on there own subsidising everyone. PMSL as TTT would say.  If we're such a drain, why do Westmonster not want to let us have independence? Maybe the nation of shopkeepers would have to stand on their own feet?

But you don't want indpenedence really maggie. You are mainly driven by a pathalogical hatred of England. You'd leave the UK and join the EUSSR, how is that "independence"? They'd have you on your knees.

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Ah TTT, thought it wouldn't take you long to rise to the bait!  Please don't assume to know what I want - I have no pathalogical hatred of the English although I do despise those who "rule" us from Westmonster.  If you care to read the OP again it was about an investment in Scotland which would bring more jobs to the country, but as usual it has been turned into an SNP and Scotland bashing tirade. As you often say - end of. 

...but you want "independence" - right?

You also want to join the EUSSR - right?

how is that "independence"?

"If you care to read the OP again it was about an investment in Scotland " - no it's about investment in the UK, do you really believe CIP would touch Scotland with a barge pole if it was not in the UK?

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