I guess it depends what you mean by mid-life crisis though. If you mean that you feel completely lost and haven't a clue what to do or where to go and don't really care then welcome to my club.
Yes, it's something like that........just lethargic about life in general, even though I'm only 38! Maybe I need a couple of 18 year olds to cheer me up - lol
Going to the park and playing on the swings...if anyone says anything, just say you have amnesia and can't remember anything...it worked for me............
I'm quite liking this idea....although is pleading amnesia technically the same as mid life cirsis? I mean, could I go to a nearby store and do a spot of shoplifting? Do I blame it on forgetting to pay for it, or my mad mid-life creeping up on me?
I'm always putting up with stuff. But no more. It's time to take a stand and complain. I'm going to stop apologising when someone stands on MY foot or jabs me in the eye with THEIR umbrella.
And woe betide the mean old lady on the n�2 bus to Tulse Hill tonight if she tries pinching my leg one more bloody time...
Hi Pink Fizz..... do you fit into the age bracket? I guess between about 30 upwards to 50'ish, if so, you are more then welcome to embrace you mid life crisis along with us/me!
The mean old bus lady doesn't like me. In "that" way or any other way.
She just gives people that stand near where she's sitting really nasty nips on the leg.
Didn't see her tonight though. Just had to put up with "loud dull conversation on mobile" guy instead.
No wonder I'm having a mid life crisis - Public transport. Nuff said.