Under the laws of England and Wales (but not of Scotland), a will is automatically revoked by marriage. The only exception is where the will states that it was drawn up 'in contemplation of marriage' and that it shall not be revoked by that marriage.
So, if SOL had been living in the UK, his will would have been automatically revoked (unless it had the relevant 'contemplation' clause in it), four weeks after he wrote it, on the day that he got married.
You have applied for probate (I assume in England or Wales) but the will you have produced to the probate office is, on the face of it, completely invalid because of the automatic revocation by marriage.
To convince the probate office that the will was not revoked by the marriage, you need to show that the will was subject to the laws of South Africa and that, under those laws, the will has not been revoked. To do so, you need to produce an affidavit, which has been sworn by someone with knowledge of the South African legal system, to state that the revocation of wills by marriage is not automatic under S.A. law.