I'd be the red/pink peugeot in the TV advert with all the dark red rose petals on it as I think its a great colour, sort of claret because I have long brown/red hair and I love red wine. My partner would be one of those wide american jeeps as I like em rugged with a bit of muscle but squidgy on the inside. What would you be curly?
I know nothing about cars so this is going to be a very technical answer....
Me - Something very fast and impractical yet comfy in a bright colour that looks good and is also fun.
Partner - Something very fast so that we can race together but perhaps slightly more practical. Darker colour or silver (or grey, as I call most silver cars!) Definitely more stylish than me as a car.
Me - I'd be a metro, small like me and does not require a lot of attention or break down often. Partner - I'd look for any car that was well polished, had immaculate bodywork and came with a large exhaust pipe.
I'd be a Jeep Cherokee (useful but useable !) and my missus would be a Aston Martin, although a few years ago I'd have been a Transit pick up with a load of scrap on the back :)