I do see the reasoning behind using LOL and smilies.
The written word can be misconstrued. A wink or a laugh can help prevent a misunderstanding, and heaven knows there are enough on here anyway.
Emoticons don't bother me. The abbreviation of 'to/too' to '2' does. And words like 'again' being spelled 'agen' is not an abbreviation. It is just spelled incorrectly!
Yes, fine but they are over used to the point of being meaningless trite.
I imagine my (deliberate?!) use of �there� in lieu of �their� must have had you choking on you�re (!) morning gin. I don�t mind spelling misteaks - I often make them myslef - but as you say when it is a forced error spelt incorrectly on prupose it is the sort of thing that keeps pedants awake at nite.
Typos and general spelling/grammtical errors don't bother me either. But when someone is advocating txt typing and 'again' is spelled 'agen' I have to question their reasons for using txt type. It seems that it isn't just a faster way of typing at all.