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paulineward | 01:29 Fri 26th Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
Is it my imagination...or have I been 'away' so long that there seems to be many new members on here? I popped on over the weekend..which seems to be a busy time on here,.. and I didn't recognise many of the names and a lot were in green. Of course the more the merrier..and a warm welcome to everyone!...but I hope I don't loose 'site' of my regular friends.
Kind regards to all...friends old and new!
Pauline xx


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Evsajo - I'm horrified to think that you feel yourself to be an outsider. I'm quite sure that no-one on this site regards you in that light and the fact that you haven't had much response to your questions probably means that none of us knows the answer. I'll look out for you from now on and try extra hard to be helpful! But, be warned I know next to nothing about pop music, TV, celebs, & sport !

Why don't you join in the MM & KM Links games tomorrow so that we can get to know you better.
Kettledrum, Paulineward and Ont ice, thank you all for your comments. I will come on AB more often and try!!! and help others. Didnt get message about MM & KM quiz till just as I have been walking my dogs. I feel much more welcome now and will hopefully speak to you all more often.Best wishes Evsajo
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Briiliant!...only just seen your message...Ont-ice and I have left one for you on the KM link! You'll have to think hard this week! Good Luck! I am off for a nice long walk tomorrow, makes you feel good doesn't it?
Love Pauline xx
Dear Pauline,just got your message from my "site" question.Chloe is doing very well,putting on weight and filling out nicely.Thank you for thinking of me in the middle of all your trouble,hope you are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.Can't begin to think how you have coped.Hope B T gets things sorted out quickly for you.Had a go at crofter's MM link last week for the first time and he tells me I got 3 right!!Don't think I shall do so well this week,
find out tomorrow.Thanks for your good wishes,Joan.
Evsajo You can still join in with the MM links and the KM link, too. You have the rest of this evening and a good part of tomorrow so have a go at the answers.
Give it a try.

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