When you are in Tescos and they announce all staff respond to a code 7 what does it mean? And while on the subject why do all the cashiers constantly ask eachother about when their teabreak is?
It's probably covering up some awful emergency that they don't want to broadcast to 'us' - like an unfeasibly large turd blocking up the ladies loo or something!!
On the same subject does anyone know what a "3pm Rumble" is - they announce that in our Sainsbury's. If I had to announce it - I WOULD - under threat of a written warning announce it like an american boxing MC "lets get reeeeaaadddyy to ruuuuumblllllllllllle !!!"
I think a lot of these are there just for fun to make the day go quicker and get people to converse with each other asking what the heck does a code 7 mean ??
On a cross channel ferry a few years ago there was an announcement for the 'ship's carpenter to report to the bridge.'
When I asked a crew member what the ship's carpenter would be be likely to do on the bridge I was told it was a security code.
We stood close to a life boat for the rest of crossing!
code 10 is checkout systems failiure....then they guess what is in your trolley, or ask you how much in value is in it. They can't process the transactions electronically, and will take cash payments only at the tills. Lucky you if you're in a store when that happens!
Many years ago, Securicor used a code which was ten one, ten two etc. An emergency was ten ten. One of their men had a stammer and wondered why the police had turned up outside his shed.