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The Pope's vision of hell

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annavc | 12:27 Wed 28th Mar 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
73 Answers
Although I read this section a lot this is the first time I've posted a question. I'm interested to know what people's views are on the latest pronouncement from the pope. rope/article1572646.ece

Personally I think it's a load of twaddle like all religious doctrine but I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions!

I need something interesting to read while pretending to work!!


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Mani believes that women should remain in violent loveless marrages, and he calls ME emotionally unhinged.
He charges people with name calling and then does it himself (I'm sure that the bible talks about not judging others...)Mmm.
"His post is not even worth a response"

Er, so why did you?
Well, chaps, how do you think I feel? Wiz, you're only emotionally unhinged, but he's given up on me altogether. I'm a complete and utter failure - and to cap it all, an adultress as well. Well, there's nothing else for it .... I'm going to drown myself....... goodbye cruel world.

On second thoughts, I think I'll open the wine and cook dinner - my adulterer will be home soon. :o)
naomi..emotionally unhinged that I am, I hope that you have a lovely evening with your adulterer. I will certainley have a lovely evening with the woman that I live in sin with.
Makes you wonder who Mani is cuddled up with on a cold evening.Probably spending the night with his cold God and his cold doctrines that deny men (and women especially) the warmth of another loving human being.
Oh Poop ! I knew I'd got it wrong, I drank the wine and cooked the adulteress. certainley live up to your nic, lol
Oh help! I logged on to AB before I log off for the night, and it told me there were 66 answers to this question. Phew, with my track record, one more 6 and I'd have been done for!

Have a good night Wiz and Mrs Wiz - I'm sure you will - and Luna - just keep drinking the wine and cooking the adultress - your sense of humour is the best!
I reckon Mani has me bang to rights: I do boast about having a closed mind to those things which a little thought shows to be mere mumbo-jumbo. I bet that if Mani and I were to have a chat over a few drinks I would find lots of things about which he has a closed mind � unless, of course he believes in Santa Claus, fairies, the philosopher�s stone, the elixir of life, alien abductions, roulette systems, lucky Lotto numbers and magic spells. He would also learn about the many worthwhile subjects on which I could give him chapter and verse (sorry, Theland!) of both sides of the argument.

Dismissing absurdity does more than clear the mind of rubbish; it leaves room to exercise the brain in areas where clear thinking is both essential and rewarding. Religious belief needs nothing in the way of thought, merely blind credulity, which is why so many religious minds have atrophied, no longer equipped to think straight.
So here�s to the mind that is closed � but only to nonsense, of course!

chakka35 - That's an interesting post.
In my opinion, I think that Mani, Fingerprint and I have failed to properly articulate what exactly it is like to have faith in God. Yes, we are guilty of that.
But, it is so difficult to convey, as words seem to break down almost as soon as they are uttered or witten down.
It is not a blind faith that we have, nor a faith based solely on experience.
To be sure, it is not entirely objectively appraised, but needs to be lived in order to learn from it.
This is how we feel God has made His presence known, in order that we can know Him more and more.
I apologise if my meaning is getting a bit lost in the translation, please forgive me if I come back to this a little later on.
Right Theland - your challenge for today - or maybe for the next week. I'm going to post the question "What is it like to have faith in god", and then you can all tell us.
Let me assure you,Theland, most sincerely...quite strongly..almost desperately..scrabbling on my knees.. that the problem is not that you and your religious friends have not explained your faith adequately. I could paper a wall with the AB manifestations of your beliefs.

The problem is not your salesmanship but your product.

Or do you really believe that my non-belief in a flat earth is because flat-earthists are not articulate enough?
It is through mutual understanding derived from shared common experience that relevant and usable knowledge is relayed. The threat of Hell fire and eternal damnation do not promote and encourage the development and application of reason toward the benefits this contributes to the process of living anymore than the untenable and unpardonable promise of everlasting life.

The "vision" of Heaven and Hell are equally blind to satisfying the requirements of life and only serve to promote the cause of death. This is the focus of those who condemn humanity with their last breath in unison with each infant�s first while insisting we turn to them for our only hope of redemption. The question is not one of whether Hell exists but of who is the one most worthy to exist in it?
The Pope should look at what the bible really says.
The word 'Hades' is Greek for 'hell'
So when the Bible says ;
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Ha′des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.
Something is being burned up...or destroyed.
Death destroyed?....
(Revelation 21:4) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.�
So no more death.
Hades/Hell destroyed?
It does say that Hades will be cast into the lake of fire.
So how can a supposedly 'hot' place be cast into an obviously 'hot' place.
The only obvious answer is that Hades/Hell IS NOT an eternal place of torment or torture, but is simply a 'condition' connected to death. both will be destroyed.
And what [?] always goes with death?
It has to be man's grave.
No graves

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