I have a decent condition 3-in-1 pram which I need to dispose of. I can't bring myself to throw it away, but I've been watching the local ads and ebay and it seems there's not much call for second-hand prams round here, they just don't sell. I don't want any money for it, just can't stand to think of the waste of dumping it! Anyone got any ideas how I can dispose of it- charity shops don't seem interested either, btw, and we've tried it at a few car boots.
Have you tried freecycle? You should be able to join for your area and pass on your pram for free if anyone in the area is looking for one.
Have a look; http://www.freecycle.org/
dismantle it and make a go cart with it for you children, it sounds old fashioned but your kids will enjoy helping you do it ,you will get a couple of more years out of it,and your children will benefit from the family bonding and enjoyment of the whole expereince especially the riding of the new mobile (you may need a couple of planks of wood) Dont bin it be imaginative and dont throw it on the tip .
gravitate, you've completely lost me - but thanks anyway! Everyone else, thanks for your ideas and suggestions.
P.S. grumpii, my kids' Grandad would think all his birthdays had come at once if I gave him the job of making a 'bogey' out of the old pram frame - reckon it'd knock 60 years off him! I might just do it!