Bear in mind there WON'T be any pots or pans... just sticks and foil over the fire... although there was a tiny pan that was passed round a load of people to cook and eat their soup out of... and friends or not, I'm not mass-multi-sharing a single pan!!!!! (As no doubt, I will be the only other person to take one and everyone will want to use it)
Potatoes - you can cook them in the coals - just don't forget the salt and herbs/spices.
Cheese and Crackers
Peanut Butter
Boiled Eggs
Raw Carrots
Raw Celery
Nuts of any kind.
Granola Bars
Trail Mix
Dried Fruit
Make your own pan! Get a green twig ( 50cm long), bend in half and tie ends together at the end, and every couple of inches to form a handle with a loop at the bend.
use the tinfoil doubled or trebled over to form the pan part, where you place the food ( wrap it over the edge of the loop formed in the twig.. hope that makes sense